Tuesday, June 30 @ 11:31 PM

woke up so late today.4++ haha!finally..im still in holiday mood.i havent study siahs~ i school reopen got test..if i fail must retake the module..walao~ lazy...currently chionging mafia wars and talking to baby on the phone.hohoho!!!shiok shiok..i think i dun wan sleep again today..yeay!

@ 3:35 AM
mission accomplish.

didnt sleep yest coz i cant sleep.no idea why also.anyways,baby also didnt go to school.so i was bored.it was like 12+ den i decided to borrow a bike (my bike,rented to ham's sister) and fetch ham from school.boy i didnt know i need take temperature all dis.and its like,i cant park my bike anywhere near the foyer?go die.who cares.den back to ham's house where i called baby and she was finally awake! ;D so i told her that ham's mom invited her to the place for dinner.i told her i would fetch her.but i didnt.coz i fell asleep.sorry baby!but good thing was,the next thing i know,when i wake up,she was lying down beside me hugging me.my heart melted to the core.i felt really really secured.den had dinner,and baby had to go home coz i had plans for the night.important plans okay!I WILL GIVE U TOKEN MY DEAR!DUN WORRY!


im back from hijacking another motorbike of my company.another mother fucka dun wanna return the bike.so went hougang late at night/early morning.waited for him to come back from work,gave him time to go back to sleep,den there u go.HIJACKED!i basically braved myself to take it back.coz fuck.its my companies.i wan money.

Monday, June 29 @ 3:29 AM

baby didnt meet me yesterday =( its only one day we nvr meet but,the feeling is like we nvr meet for weeks.i miss her badly..Baby,sorry i didnt get to call u back..my sis used the phone..and i only get to use my laptop now..such sad case..but anyways..im trying my best to be awake till 6am ;D i wanna fulfill my dream of sending my dearest to school ;D i will call u later kaes ;D loves!

i'm doing a mini business now,customers are flooding in.BUT I DUN HAVE ENOUGH BIKES!!and for those idiots who wanna play a fool with me..u will be the fool..i swear u will have the feeling of "OMFG WHERE THE HELL IS MY BIKE?I PARKED IT HERE YESTERDAY!!" when u wake up and u wanna go to work..go to hell..i wan peace in my business..i wan money to come in like water flowing in the river..i wanna be rich..for my future..i know abit weird dat im suddenly money-minded.but too bad..money plays every role in singapore.

Sunday, June 28 @ 4:30 PM

currenlty at home,rotting my way till 8pm.den i must go to Jurong East to get my bike back.Baby's being nice.she pei-ing me go ;D love you baby.she wan come my house first.help me with my blog skin,den we go take my bike..hoho..BABY!I WAN TOKEN!!!~

Saturday, June 27 @ 3:07 PM

baby is out....with april and carmen..hais....she supposed to go out to movies with me..but she said she had no money..so nvm..at least can meet me ma..but she now with april and carmen..she said awhile later she will call me..but i dun think so it will be awhile,seriously..i just feel that i deserved it for not waking up early..i mean i cant be blame?hais....im very sad..why?sad coz i CANNOT GET TO WATCH MOVIE WITH BABY AGAINNNNN~!and that it will be awhile later den i get to meet her..why cant i just go down and find her?she doesnt want it..its okay..i guess i'll just wait=(

Friday, June 26 @ 11:21 PM

i didn't get to meet baby these past few days actually.but not to worry,i will catch up with her..its sad lar but its okay.i wan her to have time with her friends too.i really miss her.yes i do.i miss holding hands with her,hugging her and kissing her.well she said we will go movie-ing tmr.only both of us.so i hope i can FINALLY GET MY WISH TO WATCH MOVIE WITH HER! see ya~

Thursday, June 25 @ 7:32 PM
misses you every second

just came back from motor practical.well i didnt go for my Polyclinic check-up just now.coz i woke up late?appointement 2.30 i wake up 2.40.so i decided to skip it and go for my pract instead.it was damn damn hot arh can.den after that,came back West Coast,met baby awhile..so sweet of hher to buy me bubble tea.she had to rush to meet regine..meeting her later at night,but for now,i think i slack with ham first ba.

Wednesday, June 24 @ 6:23 PM
in love.

met baby today,but LATE again =( i just feel my body very tired these few days.think sleep too late arh.we went bubble tea-ing,buy sushi and went to my place.she helped me change my bandage again.hmmmm.looks of it,my wound getting better.yeay.!well had a few heart to heart talk with baby.she is really a sweet person if u wanna know her.she is having cramps now.i will take care of her i promise.now im at ham's house helping them install the games?den after that i pei her go Evergreen to buy printer.den she go meet regine alre.im so gonna miss her again =( well i hope she faster come back and meet me again....see ya~

Tuesday, June 23 @ 10:51 PM

What''s happening?why are the police so mean?why do they treat people like dogs?even innocent people.i just feel im the innocent one here hello?happily eating,suddenly bring me go station.funny meh?its maybe coz i did something wrong to them?but its nothing to me..really.im just doing it for myself.would u people wan ur items to be borrowed and not returned on the stated date?obviously no rite?u will wanna find the person for the thing back rite?i duno lar.im just sad.

baby,i miss you so much..im sorry i made u dead worried.i dun understand why police like dis lar sayang.im back alre.dunid worry k?im fine.i havent eat thats all.hais shag sial~

Monday, June 22 @ 11:59 PM
i treasure u.yes i will.

baby pei-ed me to polyclinic for my dressing just now.it took like 10 minutes and pay a pathetic $7.omfg.so we went UFO-catching again ;D and i missed.den bought food and went back to my place as usual.we watched zatchbell,slept,and ate.hahas.my hand hurts lar can?the nurse nvr give mercy one..thats like about all we did?i do have some problems with my working life but i guess its not necessary to state it here ;D

special post:
baby,thanks for everything.thanks for sacrifising your outing with your friends and taking care of me for a week now.i really appreciate your care and concern.you're really the first and i know will be the last girl doing this to me.i promise as soon as i get better,i will go out with u.i will bring you play and everything.in fact,i really treasure you alot.i will also cherish you and the chance you have given me.i will prove to you that i'm the best guy you have ever been with.i love you.once again.thank you for your care and concern.

Sunday, June 21 @ 7:00 AM

baby! where u now?what u doing?u didnt answer my calls nor reply my msn..im so sorry if im irritating u..but my hand is starting to bleed again..and i need u.i need u here to help me change the bandage..i cant do it myself..my mom,sis, no one knows how to change..im starting to feel paranoid =(

I CANT SLEEP!!!OMG~ its 7am now?and i still cant get my eyes closed to sleep.i wonder whats happening to me.i think its coz the pain of the injury on my hand hurts that my brain only tells me pain and not to sleep.im abit worried bout myself.also,i just hope nothing will happen and i could get sleep soon or something.could it be because i slept earlier just now?but i slept for 2 pathetic hours.im sure i will still feel tired rights?i duno wads wrong.anyone can tell me?im rotting from 2+am till now.i duno wad to do.can anyone tell me whats wrong with me?PLEASE.

Saturday, June 20 @ 5:12 PM

I passed my license again.!!now 5.01 muahaha!3 more practs,2 theory,1 tp and license!.

NEW BLOG SKIN,NEW LINK,NEW LIFE!..im currently like at home now,haha with baby as usual.she took care of me yet again.brought me drink and bandage.finally,i get to change my bandage.its god damn itchy!!!so now im playing with baby..hahas..see ya ;D update more later yeahs~

Thursday, June 18 @ 8:05 PM


baby came to my house just now,and brought drinks for me ;D so sweet of her.she also took care of my hand.den after playing pet society,we went to Clementi Poluclinic so that i can finally visit the doctor.well we waited for very long when finally its my turn.they nurses nagged at me coz of the way i remove my tattoo.blablabla..den now i every 4 days must go polyclinic.ZZZ.and the consultation today costs me $20? wow.. we went to city vibe to go get things to eat at my house.suddenly, got this "GUY" with his group banged me with the rest staring.turned and look at him.guess who he was.i dun wan say lar hor.anyways,u want u come.im still waiting. . . . .

went back to my house,we ate dinner,den baby played comp awhile den now she is sleeping~ duno wad time she wan wake up,well i guess later i wake her up ba.see ya readers ~ ;D

Wednesday, June 17 @ 1:48 PM

baby pei-ed me to Polyclinic but close-__- i wanted to go see doctor coz my hand infection.den end up we go guardian buy some ointment and bandage.well~ baby took real good care of me.she applied the ointment for me.and even helped me bandage.i love u baby!she even insisted on coming my house to take care of me.i was so touched..den went dinner at Jack's Place with mummy and uncle lee.woolala!!BMW AGAIN!!~k lar thats about all..nites!!

had class bbq yesterday.the foods there were awesome!!den finally,jeremy wanted to start his planful of games.interesting.hoho.the games were fun.BUT UNTIL HE PLAYED A GAME WHERE A LOSER MUST DRINK CHIVAS!first few rounds,i kinda purposely lose coz i wanna drink.but after that i kept losing.guess wad.i drank 5 cups of neat chivas and 2 of mixed.was kinda tipsy alre.until bing xue tripped over my wire.well bing xue,easy to say,i hope u learn ur lesson arh. baby sent me home after that,coz i couldnt even know wad i was doing.i only knew suddenly i was at my doorstep.haha thanks baby.thats very sweet of u..
im going polyclinic with baby!den going town to pei ahsoon with his tattoo thingy.i'll update later ;D

Sunday, June 14 @ 5:07 AM

~EDITED~(spammer pls dun be jealous)

went to watch Drag Me To Hell with ahsoon,baby and yuanling.the show was kinda funny most of the part.i didn't really get scared.only erm...once?i tried scaring baby,but i got scared by the movie instead.haha!RETRIBUTION!well im just worried bout baby.i wonder if she is sleeping well now,if she is dreaming of me.baby i love you and will always do.!

baby told me bout her horrible nightmare.she is still scared.dont worry baby,just remember wad i told u my dear.its possibly signs for u to treasure ur love ones,if not me also,ur daddy.dunid be scared i will keep u secured.just remember,i'm always with u in your heart.

went to grandad's place at Potong Pasir.i very very very long nvr see him alre;D he looks fine.well daddy bought some nice food and ate dinner there.After dat went to Ang Mo Kio to fetch baby from work.we were like chasing for the last bus.but baby wanted to take the train instead.so nvm,we quarreled.but after awhile,okay alre.cute right we two?we can just put up a quarrel and end it 5 minutes later.LOVELY COUPLES MA!!!!den we alighted at Jurong East,thinking that there was no more last bus.but actually,i saw 105.den i remembered it can go to Clementi,at least walk home nearer.so baby bought her food coz she was very hungry.den we sat somewhere,she ate,we slacked awhile den walked home.well i cant bear to see baby walking her legs out after a tired day at work,i heartpain to see her tired face.so i piggyback her as usual ❤❤❤ den met ham,and we talked till now..i need to sleep now,later meeting ahsoon,ghost and baby go watch movie at vivoooo~woooooo~!!!

Friday, June 12 @ 9:04 PM

im just worried coz baby didnt tell me where she is working at and with who.?its a night work.who won't be worried rite?im her bf hello?so i just hope she will text me soon yeah coz i dun wanna disturb her working.she say end 1o plus.i 1o3o call her.hmmms.kinda shocking,but nvm we shall see.

well i passed my 3.02 ;D cheers people!!now taking 4.o1 easy easy!!!wooolala~ im targeting by august to pass.hope can.coz need wait a month for TP and a month for RTT.sian~ anyway,im home now waiting for baby to reply me or call me ;D cant wait to meet her.i swear i will hug her tight when i see her..omgggg~my maggie calling me alre shall update later yeah?see ya readers (though there isnt any,pathetic me)

Wednesday, June 10 @ 11:59 PM


met baby and regine under my block,den bused to JP to meet ahsoon and his sis,adeline.well regine and baby was arguing with me saying 198 doesnt reach JP.i mean.i live in west coast for 19 years?and ive started reading the bus board ever since i was primary school?why wouldnt i know wad bus goes where?omg.haha.reached JP and walked around with ahsoon and adeline.den finally we sat outside.jeng jeng jenggggg~ dis is where the session 2 began.this time ahsoon decided to tag team with adeline,making me suffer the pain.but i will tahan..AHTURL LAR SIOL!!!anyway thanks again ahsoon.den we bused back to west coast where me and baby slacked awhile and go home.MUMMY!!SORRY I SENT HER HOME LATE TODAY!PROMISE PROMISE!!BEFORE 12 TMR!!

Girl War gonna start in class?please my beloved classmates.i love my class ITE DOVER IT1A okay!?i wan peace.cmon.i mean,we study together,joke together,and even insult people together.but war?its too much i guess.we are classmates.we should serve as classmates,fight as one.dun bring ur outside attitude into the class ;D im not a nice person outside,seriously.i may look like a geek or nerd in sch.but outside?sorry arh..so the main thing is.please stop this quarrel.its onie the 3rd month together,why would we wanna have grudges here and there.chill man.hoep everything will be settled.

Tuesday, June 9 @ 11:59 PM

finally i get to meet baby.but more to like nvr meet ba.coz we only get to be together AWHILE.the rest of the time is something was happening which i just dun wanna say.hmmm.well thanks ahsoon,teckchye and jane for being there.well session 1 of removing my tattoo using cig is done.3-4 more sessions to go.arghhhhh.sure gonna hurt.but i wouldnt be called ahturl if i cannot tahan pain.jiayou~


@ 7:08 PM


@ 4:26 PM

last sunday post:
went for futsal competition.lost.haha.cant blame.no more stamina.den rushed back home.baby came my house after not meeting me for a day.she ironed for me my shirt.how sweet of her.den we went out to meet ham at clementi,den proceeded to hougang for my cousins wedding.omfg.we were late.the wedding was over.hahaha!nvm.den we proceeded to serangoon to meet april go clubbing,end up we went there ourselves -.- den off to st james.wooo party!!!!!so long since i nvr party.but i wasnt really in the mood.grinding and shaking babey!!woo.den after party,we got ourselves a special cab.2 wheels one ;D so went back home.

Yesterday post:
hello.i didnt meet baby yesterday coz she was too tired after the club.well i guess i really disappointed her yesterday.i drank with ham and his friends.i didnt tell baby.obviously i was stoopid.i called her when i was drunk.i told her to fetch me.but she couldnt go out.she was very worried and didnt know wad to do coz she cant fetch me as her dad is at home.i was really very very drunk alre.well guess drank too much.so somehow me and ham decided to walk home.as we were walking we got screened by 6 policemen?wow.we were damn shocked,lucky i am 19 years alre.if not sure tio.den screen talk talk with police abit.den walked home.reached home at 3+,vomited again.den slept.hais.wad a day...

Today post:
well,i asked baby send me to school today.she woke up.but when i was going out alre.hmmms.so i went to school myself.guess wad,my classmate asked me why i couldnt walk properly.HANGOVER!!F!!I HATE HANGOVERS!!so i texted baby in school asking her to fetch me.but she was lazy.she said she would wait for me under my block,but she told me to rest instead.hmmmms~ i have a feeling baby isnt in the mood today.probably becoz of something?or anything?shag.i think she still angry at me.i just miss baby alot lar.i hope she forgave me=( sorry baby.i love you so much.

Friday, June 5 @ 11:59 PM

an iron can never be bent.

you guys must be thinking why im saying this.well it means,whatever happens in MY relationship,it will never end even how hard others try to end it.im not a f-ing liar.i tried explaining but you just wont listen.you will never believe wad im saying.besides,u just jump to conclusions and say i lied.people do change.well you changed for the better,i assure you this.its not easy to change for someone,especially someone you love.it takes time.i'm sorry for all these while i've hurt you.i'm sorry i can't provide ur needs.im just a useless bf.i tried to be a useful bf by not letting you do some things.but you said i control you.i can say this and i mean it.i'm not controlling you or whatsoever.im just trying to make myself useful as your bf and i'm worried for you.of course,which bf isn't worried bout his gf.?we have made it through this far.it will go further i promise.no matter what happens.so i just want you to know whatever i'm doing is basically because i care for you,i worry for you.and of course.i love you.

Ahsoon helped me out.thanks Ahsoon.Well he also taught me some things.he told me,girls are like that:to you is you care,you worry.but to girls,you're irritating,you're controlling.he advised me,talked to me.i guess,his advices are really useful.i'm gonna seek it.

in life,you live it once.make full use of it.i dont believe in reincarnation.you may never know when you die.maybe now?tmr?later?it will never be known.always think before you do something.because if it's too late,you will end up not liking the consequences and start to have regrets.regrets is something bad in life.once you start regretting,its too late,it already happened,you cant change the past.your future,it can be bright,it can be dark.it's all in your hands.you choose your own future from now.like i said always think before making choices.think of the consequences,think of the people you love and who love you.its always good if you make the choices on your own and not by others opinion.basically because,your thinking and others are different.so do make the right choice.LIVE YOUR LIFE WELL WHILE YOU CAN.MAKE FULL USE OF IT.

Thursday, June 4 @ 11:04 PM


hmmms,well i guess i have many good news,but i dun wanna say it out,coz it will just spoil my post.anyway,i quarreled with baby on our 5th monthsary =( its really very sad lar.i wouldnt wanna say why we quarrel.basically its totally my fault and i mean it.

❤baby,its really very stupid of me to go and quarrel with u on our 5th monthsary,i read the post u posted to me.IM DAMN DAMN TOUCHED.and im freaking happy.besides,its just coz i know how much u love me.i really regret starting the fire.i just wan u to understand.i know ure nice enough to understand.i love u baby.ure mine and will forever be.its gonna last till the end and its not gonna end.lets just clear this misunderstanding.i bought us a cake.so i hope u will just give me the chance to celebrate with u tmr.once again i love you.leilani lim zhi yi is my property,my half,my soulmate,my sunshine,and last of all,my one and only sayang;baby.

Wednesday, June 3 @ 3:20 AM

gonna meet baby later after school go Bugis to buy cap ;D hope she doesnt ps me;D shall post more later on..toddles.


baby woke up so late today.4+?lols.so i waited at home.finally she texted me.but she asked me to pei her eat first coz she hungry.so we went market,along with mummy.baby bought alot alot of sweets,baby,if u continue eating sweets,u will end up toothless.awhile later,uncle lee joined us.he is damn cute lor.he and mummy can make me laugh till i can cry siah.and so,we went our seperate ways.me and baby bused to Bugis.when suddenly baby needs the toilet.alighted at rredhill where she uses a toilet there.it was so late alre,so we cabbed to queensway instead.we walked awhile more looking for my cap.BUT ALL SO EXPENSIVE!!and so we played arcade ;D wow,we won quite alot of tickets..we exchanged 'em for some glow in the dark lollipop.ITS FUCKING COOL!!!i should show u the pict later.now im late for sch.bye bye~

Tuesday, June 2 @ 11:59 PM

yest i failed my pract.f-ed up..i threw my tired tantrum and ham and baby..sorry!guess wad.i lazy post..wait till i get my mood back den i post more.


well i skipped school for baby,coz i wanted my money so badly,plus i need pei her and mummy.so we went clementi to get my pay.hohoho.money babe!mummy bought some facial stuffs.she just couldnt stop shopping.walked awhile at city vibes. den went back wc.baby supposed to follow me go buy my cap.but she said she was tired.so nvm.met up baby for supper.hmmms~ we ate thai-express.i feel so rich lar.(RELAX,FOR AWHILE NIA).den we went to slack.had some deep heart talking with baby.i hope she knows how much i love her.den we walked around awhile,and sent her back home.told her to help me post but i guess she fell asleep or something ba.its okay ;D

baby,i hope the heart to heart talking we had really make u feel how much i love u.im glad u know my heart was bleeding.im sorry if i had to leave this world,leaving u alone for a reason that u know.i promise,even if i have to leave this world,i will always protect u from wherever i am,heaven or hell.i will give u all the blessings u need and will still be beside u looking at the things u do.i love you alot.it just hurts to see some things u do.but its okay,our talk wasnt a waste rite?hmmms.2 more days is our 5th month.lets have fun.!i love u.o4/o1 till death!

Monday, June 1 @ 2:37 PM


its okay.i guess i have to go alone.well.............hais...

AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



