Thursday, July 30 @ 9:28 PM

for the past weeks u are sick,i feel neglected.i understand u dun wanna meet me cause u dun wan me to get infected.but i still need u,whether ure sick or not,handicapped or not,i just wan u beside me.u make me feel very lonely each time i ask u accompany me to eat or go somewhere,but u asked me to ask my friends instead.its okay baby,i understand sometimes u don't feel well and u need rest.hope u faster get well so that we can date again.go out like happy couples again.

our 7 months is coming,i love u so much.please don't leave me cause i need u.i hope u can forgive me for ALL my sins.and i mean ALL my sorry for all my wrong doings.i will promise to always love u and be faithful to sure u wan me to piggy back u more,and eat more PENCIL ice cream rite?

till death,
loves baby,
o4o1o9 <33333

Sunday, July 19 @ 5:58 PM


baby,dun feel guilty or anything.its not ur fault.u did ur best ;D u tried protecting me.i appreciate it alot.i promised to be gentleman rite?i did my part.i didn't guai lan.thanks baby,mummy,timo,ham and yilin for being there for me.

Thursday, July 16 @ 11:36 PM


baby,u better keep ur promise hor.tmr arh.dun forget whole day with me.and i really mean it.WHOLE DAY!

Wednesday, July 15 @ 11:42 PM

i just came back.GOSH TIRING DAY!~

came back from school,sad to see,my bike,HAS NO MIRROR,IS RIGHT-SIDED CACAT.!!coz the previous person who rented my bike dropped it =( but nvm its gonna get fixed SOON! wohohoho!!den went back,changed and went to celestene's house.VERY LONG SINCE I SWAM!!met her and baby and her friend,demi?duno why the name so cool.haha.i came and was like,"u sit on bike before?no arh?nvm just come." coz i duno where to park.den after that i faster stripped and wooolala~ swimming babe!!!hoho~ well theres some pictures,havent upload coz pictures with Celestene.sian.she no mood now?she say tmr den send.nvm.den went back wc meet ham,went eat dinner,den sent baby to meet mummy while i rushed to serangoon to meet wan.haha~

a special post for baby.
baby,thanks for being here and there for me when i need u.i know this love will be a never ending love.i will always love u.and I TRUST U!!i just dun like when people ask u for intro or ask for ur number.i know u will reject them.but still i dun like the feeling=( im sorry if i too sensitive.its coz i love u so much i dun wan u to leave me.i promise to always be there for u aite?and we havent gone out on a date for so long.tmr and friday,ure mine!no other people.only both of us!i miss those times!i will hug u tmr when i see u!!love u always baby.
o4o1o9~the never ending love story.

Tuesday, July 14 @ 11:11 PM


K it proves everything,that i suck at exams and that i didnt study hard well there goes my first ended school late.den went home.thinking of all sorta things to do coz baby went to meet celestene.i wanted to find them but couldnt.coz i had to go take bike.den later on at night met baby at celestene condo.ride celestene round and round her wtf?so many dead ends can?LOLS~ so after that,ride baby home..

baby,i really hope i can spend more time with u tmr.i didnt meet u much today.its sad yeah.couldnt get to spend time with u.

Sunday, July 12 @ 11:30 PM

hoho!!!woke up early in the morning to pass my bike to someone who rented it.surprisingly,i know him.just tat i duno his name.haha!!my schoolmate.wad u expect?so thats bout it.quite a nice guy lar.after that,went to a car roadshow at expo.WALAO!!!POWER LEI ALL THE CARS!!i still fancy Sherry QQ.hahas.super cute.but slow -___- cant expect anything went back after that.

back home,met baby,had lunch sharing with her abit coz she alre ate.den went to playground to bring my little imp to play,danial.gosh guess wad i saw!!!THERE WAS THIS CHINA LADY,SHE CARRIED HER SON NAKED!LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN,NAKED!!AND THE CHILD ABOUT 1 YEARS OLD,PLAYED THE PLAYGROUND.CAN U IMAGINE???so i forbid danial from playing the slide.coz that china kid went down the slide.haha!after that,had some talk with baby,den sent her to market coz she meeting mummy,while i go to jurong to take back another bike rented.haha.waited for an hour.but nvm lar.friend.while waiting,baby talked to me on the sweet of per normal.den ride back home,tested the bike.OMFG!I FEEL LIKE FLYING ON THE MOON.THE METER WENT SPINNING AROUND THE SPEEDOMETER LIKE A CLOCK!!i ride damn fast lar can.shiok~ sad tmr need return thats about all ;D

will upload picts tmr.

baby,dun be sad bout ur laptop kaes?i promise tmr i help u with it.i will put l4d inside it,no worries my early aite?tmr school~ i will always love the one and only you.LEILANI LIM ZHIYI<333
till death,040109.

Saturday, July 11 @ 11:59 PM

did nothing today.went to take back my bike,sprayed it abit.GUESS WAD??THE RAIN SPOILT MY HARDWORK!!!!=(((( DAMN SAD...

den met baby awhile,and she had to go home.nvm tmr she coming my house.WOOO!time to bully her again.

Friday, July 10 @ 11:59 PM

woke up like 4am? AGAIN!.. i duno wads happening to me,but my eyes just automatically open.but today good i woke up early,since i have to send my bike to jurong library as someone rented.den had breakfast with Wan.and i planned to change the tail of my bike.MUAHAHAHA!!tmr night getting it done.

so i didnt sleep and waited for baby to wake up.when she finally did,i met her den we went to west coz cafe again to meet yijie and joanna for lunch ;D those two are just so cute i had baked rice?eeew?and yet i forced myself to came my house after that.we slacked and ate and laughed and did many things lar! haha.when finally its very late,so i sent baby home.

gosh i know this sounds bad but.I JUST CANT STAND MY MOM NAGGING!her thinking is so traditional.always thinking too much.she just cant for once,think like modern mothers.maybe because it happened to my sis thats why.theres a saying mother knows best.its true.only mother knows:
your favourite food.
your feelings.
your problems.
your well being.
your interest.
so please treasure your mother.even how naggy she is,how irritating she is,how f-ed up she is.and please people NEVER ASK UR MOTHER TO GO AND DIE OR GO TO HELL!U WILL REGRET IF IT REALLY HAPPENS,TRUST ME.

Thursday, July 9 @ 5:41 PM

i'm back from a long day.

met baby in the morning,sent her to school ;D yeay!just as i reached home,wearing my boxers,baby texted me saying she got sent i wore back my clothes and met her again.finally i had fishball noodles after long craving for it.thanks baby love you.den sent her back.again.haha!today weather like F.U.C.K hot~ den awhile more i went to school.under the hot sun.fuck.had test.was easier den i expected.i thought it would be so hard.haha!!hope to pass man.den met wan,take motor den back home now.

baby i miss u so much.where are u?u didnt fetch me after school ;( im hoping i can meet u real soon.coz i miss u soooo~ and to whoever who made friends with lani recently,be it ure a guy or a girl,FRIENDS only.more than that i find out ure a goner.i love my baby the saying,u wan her,cross my dead body.k i know it sounds jealous.cant blame i love her alot.

Wednesday, July 8 @ 7:44 PM

Hey Baby here to update for you, before it become deaddddddddd D: update more la baby. Today we went to westcoast cafe with yijie & joanne.
than went to his house afterthat.

ORH ORH. why today never go to school. go school halfway come back. i don't care you better owe me something , :D loveyou la. bye

Monday, July 6 @ 11:38 PM

im seriously in a deep trouble..i didnt know why,my body today was so so god damn weak,before i go school and after i came back.whats wrong with me? currently clearing things with baby.

baby see this,im not gonna sleep or even close my eyes until 6.30.i will wake u up,and send u to school like i always said i would do.but i didnt.this time i swear i will do it!!if not my name not call ahturl.

Sunday, July 5 @ 9:22 PM

meeting baby downstairs to have our shower!woo~

Saturday, July 4 @ 2:36 PM


sorry didnt post body was damn damn going to meet my baby and celebrate soon!!!~she is sleeping like a sleepy head..rawr..anyway hope she lie the bracelet i bought her @.@


oh my=( such a way to celebrate our six month..i called baby and she said she couldnt meet me coz she had to go for a dinner with mummy or something?coz mummy friend alre booked 2 seats for felt really sorry.its okay baby.i understand.we still have tmr or wad..make up for it alright.?im looking forward to it =(

Thursday, July 2 @ 6:51 AM
show off abit ;D


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

@ 6:41 AM


i just came back from rounding with wan,ham and his sister ;D we went round and round singapore to town,railway,ulu-ulu places and many more.and in the end,home!;D its fun to see the lights at town at night.i dun believe,its super nice compared to afternoon and peak hours.OMG so well yeah.gonna get my sleep soon.BABY DUN WORRY,I DIDNT GO CLUB OR PUB OR WADEVER PROSTITUTE AREAS ;D I TOOK CARE OF MYSELF.SEE U LATER.LOVES!~ MUACKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!~

went to eat with ham and his brother.treated them.its okay,once in awhile have anyway,slacked at my house playground just now.den saw baby walking back.gosh her earpiece is so loud dat i shouted and shouted for her name.she didnt i ran to her and gave her a hug from the back ;D awww..sweet right?i miss fault for not waking up early.den we ate ice cream,until we decided to come with a bet.i told baby,we play scissors paper stone,if i lose i shave botak..if she lose she cut bangs.hohoho!guess wad?i bo bian must botak..but i find it unfair.and i was sore loser..i told her to play tic tac toe with me..she lose she cut I WON!and she had to cut we went void deck doing our hair.and den went up to ham hosue to do my hand treatment.and sent baby back.she look very cute in bangs!like a doll <33


AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



