Monday, August 31 @ 12:48 PM

finally,the terror inside is gone.thanks dad for finally waking up and paying for the was shocking lar.i was at the cell slacking when suddenly the warden came.
warden:oi #$%^&*(calls my number)
warden:got surprise for u today.
me:(stun)huh?what siah u talking?
warden:(unlocks my cell door)FOLLOW ME!.
me:(still stun?)

he brought me to a room,with only a lamp above my head.

warden:wait here!
me:wad u trying to do?
me:(sigh,all i had in mind was its gonna be something bad)

suddenly the door opened,and it was my dad!
me:(shocked and almost cried)*speechless
warden:ur dad paid the fine 3 days ago,and today we release u.
me:for real?
warden:dun wan ah?dun wan i put u back in ur cell.
me:EH WANT WANT WANT!!!super excited..but still blank thoughts.
dad:(sitting in front of me alre)i never pay the fine earlier because i wan teach u a lesson.
me:(starting to tear alre)oh.
dad:now i think u had enough.that ham say ur lani cant wait to see u.
me:REALLY?!!ya la i miss her alot.Sir what time can release?
warden:i later bring u go sign,farewell to ur cellmates.u wan kiss also i dun care.den u go change,den wait at holding bay.
me:HOLDING BAY AGAIN?!(coz the last time i waited was hours)
warden:want go out or dun want?

i waited and waited until finally about 11am they release me.i didnt call anyone yet coz maybe u all are schooling or i slept my way in the cab :DDDDDDD!!!! omg im like so fucking excited now.!!wah my house also so nice alre,but sad to say.i didnt become muscular but skinnier.coz fasting month.sian~ now i just cant wait to see lani!!!!rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
i so miss her so much!!!i wan hug her so tight!!!i wan kiss her!!!!k sorry i sound so desperate.see ya guys!!!

Thursday, August 20 @ 3:49 AM


thanks for being there for me just now,i didnt expect it to be that way.thanks for lending me ur shoulder and letting me cry all my tears out.thanks for ur happy,coz i get to see u smiling before i go in.i had a very good day with u today.thanks alot.besides,we did a good heart to heart talking didnt we?remember our deal?i hope u stick to your promise, i hope the theory "promises are meant to be broken" dont happen this time.because i really really believe u trust for u is gaining again ;D now at least i can go in smiling.knowing u will wait for me.i trust u my dear.i hope u really wait.hmmm.i duno wad else to say.well,take care of urself while im away k?im sorry i cannot take care of u.dun worry as soon as i come out,i'll call u first!you can smell my smelly pillow if u miss me too much.or look at the pictures i drew for you.i love the bird picture.wad a potrait;D love you forever.

to:my family
mom,im sorry,im sorry i disappointed u again.this time really big disappointment.i know u are embarrassed to face our relatives during Hari Raya.coz you wont know wad to say to them rite?just say i go oveseas study or least ure proud.u still can live mom,im not just far away from you.cheer up mom.i know i will cry when the judge knocks his hammer.and dad,thanks for bailing me the other time.i know u didnt scold me,but inside ur heart,i know ure disappointed at me and sorry to you too.such a useless son you guys have.sorry if i have to spoil any of your Hari Raya mood.

you guys,thanks for the caring smses and msn.i will take care of myself aite?you guys be strong den i know,who my friends really are,im sad that even my used-to-be close friends couldnt spend 5 mins to just farewell me.dun be surprised if i come out,i am cold towards u.whoever thinks u are the one,u are the one.

I CAN ASSURE THAT........................
when im inside,1st person in my mind will be Leilani Lim Zhiyi.i will definitely miss her.wondering what she's doing naughty anot?eat alre anot?things like this.dun worry dearest,i wont be gay inside.i will tell them i have a gf.even if i have to face the 4 walls everyday,i will imagine ur face on the wall.or maybe look at my hand to think of u ;D at least u gave me something just now so that i can remember u.I CAN ALSO ASSURE THAT......i will be a totally new person when i come out.totally changed.coz confirm inside,i will learn lots of new lessons,get new experiences and even make new friends.i wont get influenced.anyway,im real sad i have to celebrate Hari Raya kissing the four walls.there goes my 2009 hongbao.i guess its time for bed now.will blog again when im back..which is duno when..i hope letters can be wrote..

my last words will be,"don't do things without thinking,you will regret AND ALSO disappoint others around you without you even knowing a single thing".

see ya my blog readers.....
With Love,

Wednesday, August 19 @ 1:01 PM

21 hours and counting.................

skipped school today.didnt had the mood.later meeting ex gf (MAYBE) for lunch.maybe pass her the letter also.if she cant make it den im meeting joanna,shuning and yijie for night meeting chiko they all.said they had some sorta surprise for me.curious babe~~~~~~~~~~~

but still my heart keeps pounding faster and faster as the hours draw by.a month or more is not long.but the sad thing is,i cant even celebrate Hari Raya with my family.

@ 2:25 AM

31 more hours..

had a chat at phone with ex gf just now.cleared some question marks and some doubts..even if u dun care,i still wan u to listen coz i dun wan u to misunderstand this whole thing.i wan u to get the facts right.the things u tell me really really hurt my feelings deeply inside.0% hope and totally not increasing is way too dificult to fight for.but i wont give up.u know me as stubborn as u.i totally dun feel ur love anymore.i guess that makes me such a useless and bad boyfriend,that u can forget me easily within days.even im ur longest,even we lasted 7 months.i hope my explainations to u cleared everything.

the letter.please read it.its nicely done and packed.its just left to pass to u only ;D

Monday, August 17 @ 8:24 PM

went back home straight after school.many thinks to think about.thursday,my life,my working life,my simply just stress,sad,disappointed in myself,no mood and feel like dying..

the reason we keep quarreling and u keep shouting at me is,u hear ur SISTERS advice or whoever person who keeps telling u craps bout me.BUT u didnt ask me nicely and didnt give me a chance to tell u my side of the story.what has carebear got to do with me?thats a weird thing.nvm all these nonsense alre.thursday morning dont forget to meet me take my farewell letter to u aite?u wan burn or throw its up to u.BUT PLEASE READ IT FIRST I BEG U.

Sunday, August 16 @ 2:49 PM

yet another tragedy,went riding with ham,and got caught at a road block at telok blangah.LOL!GOOD GAME!FINALLY FOUND U POLICE!so had a delay delay,den me and ham was brought back to station..den he got out coz his dad bailed for me my dad came so damn late..but I CANNOT BE FREED!until few hours ago..i didnt eat whole day till now..i cant find things to here i am my IO say 20th dunid think much..think of family can alre..duno wad he mean by that yeah?guess im flying inside..

ever since we broke,things start to haunt it tag,be it smses,be it comments,but dun worry yeah?they wont take long.u know who u are ;D


now im going out to play pool with my cousin,suf. anyone wanna join gimme a message.we're playing at IRC at Timah ;D

Friday, August 14 @ 11:59 PM

as the days count to 20th August 2009,10:15 AM,my body just gets illness i have is getting worser and just cant get better.i almost fainted playing soccer just now,i vomited after playing and my head is aching now with temperature of 38.6 degrees.I've been sick a week now,and no one cares bout still counting down,as the day goes nearer my heart beats faster and faster and im weaker and weaker.someone please tell me wads wrong..


Wednesday, August 12 @ 11:26 PM

where did i go wrong?i should have told u from the start.
that im closer den u think when we're apart.
without u,my life is incomplete.
my days will be absolutely grey.images of ur face will appear.
coz ure all dats on my thought of u just to leave the rest of the world behind.
you know the holidays are coming,and i dun wanna spend them alone.
memories with u just kill me if im on my own.i look everywhere i go,and everything i see reminds me of u.oh please baby grab my hand tight even if its ur last finger and keep holding on.

11+days is all i'm left with.......

i understand ur mom says i wont fly,but remember,my statement was abit twisted and the IO was smart enough to catch and question me.i promise,even if i'm inside,i will stare at the walls,crying,thinking of sorry if im inside i cant take care of useless is that?im on bail now.until the 20th.and you won't have anyone who keeps calling u,who keeps smsing u,who keeps irritating u.u can be a free girl like a bird,while i'm a bird kept in a cage.but trust me,i will write letters to u.i will even ask my friends to buy u things on the 4th of every other words,indirectly celebrating our monthsary.and every 4th of the month im inside,i will cry.hoping u wont forget me,ur longest bf,ur crazy bf,or wadever.i guess i will spend my days inside looking at walls,thinking of u to kill time.its really not easy for me to forget someone who i really love,who i did many things with,who made me have a happy day everytime i see her,who can cheer me up when im down,who can care for me and who really makes me know wad is love.

i hope u didnt make any mistake in loving me.i hope i am the right one for u.but i wan to know,since u say its ur problem,i wanna know whats wrong?this is all i wan.i just cant stop loving please,before i go in,give me time to go out like how we used to..and stuffs like this.once again,

Sunday, August 9 @ 11:59 PM

wad a day to celebrate my national day,sick till like hell.den duno wad happened to baby.her last text was saying she know that she has to go watch fireworks with me.but i tried texting and calling answers?no replies? i went queensway alone,walked one round,eat otah and stuffs.den went to wait for baby under her block.but den i saw my sis so i went home.

baby,its not ur fault.i understand u have neglected ur friends for very long.cause u were always with me.i guess now its ur turn to be with just sad u broke ur promises.u could at least told me the truth so i wont be so,wherever u are,whatever u are doing,i wan u to know one thing.i will always love matter what.and please. im begging u,to please give me a call as soon as possible.if ure outside no money go home,tell me i will pay.just meet me soon please.

11 days left.

Thursday, August 6 @ 10:28 PM

wanna know why?not in the mood to all i can think is to let
go all my stress and enjoy these last 2 weeks
before i can only see 4 walls around me.
hope the hint is clear enough?

Tuesday, August 4 @ 10:54 PM


okay people,we celebrated our 7th month together in a weird way and i mean WEIRD~haha dun wan elaborate but just spent it eating and more eating~ jiayou ahturl eat more,u've gotta grow BIGGER!!!

Monday, August 3 @ 2:31 AM

yest went to uncle's place to visit my granny,gosh i miss her.!she was happy to see me ;D ate at watched "KNOWING!" den decided to go back,so me and ham,raced back home!while racing some accident happened.gladly im still okay.the thing just fell on my leg like a timber.did a little bit of servicing for my bike and dats it.sian tmr early morning must go and take motor alre @.@ die siah~ and im still not sleeping...cant sleep.maybe need few more sticks den can sleep.i should try.anyway,i saw this cousin of mine,i think about 3 or 4 years old.she is so sweet,her name is err actually i duno her name.BUT I CALL HER SWEETIE!COZ SHE VERY SWEET!!!OMG~ k more later :D toddles~

AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



