Wednesday, September 30 @ 10:01 PM

well,i guess everyday,my life,its the same,wake up,meet you,see u go other place,meet u again,send u home,meet friends,smoke,go home,maple,radio AND SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP!!!!!!

ive been feeling upset lately,about so many things and people.i only can say when u love someone very deeply,u will start being paranoid when he/she didnt answer ur phonecalls or ur texts.

im waiting for that particular moment,where we can go back to the past and be the sweetest,loveliest and long-lasting couple that we used to be.

i love you my one and only Leilani Lim Zhi still waiting...............................


OUR FIRST POTRAIT,o4o1o9 till death<3

Saturday, September 26 @ 3:26 AM

many things happened i guess?firstly,thanks dad for being such a GOOD father for me to follow ur role model ya?fucking hell to u!!!!!!

went out today,saw mom,was kinda shock..i didnt went home yest i saw her and i pity her..coz she carried so many i shook her hand and she gave me money..wanted to help her..but hais..nvm..den after when she reach home,she called me..den we talked ALOT ALOT of things..things bout my dad,things that i had to squat in the middle of the road and cry under the 2+ embarassing but fuck i was damn sad with the things she say..someone comforted me real well...den bubble tea,and went home..think bout things,talked to her again..den she went to fetch danial..BUT i couldnt sleep with people calling me..especially my mom for asking me to go down and bring danial up as he was stubborn !!!$%^&*( fine..i was damn pissed,slammed the door and everything..den went back home after fetching him..after awhile..BAD BAD THINGS HAPPENED!!!so i had no choice ah..struggled,cried,angered,gosh i was out of my mind that time..but things cooled down..

ate dinner,went down meet man coz he had thigns to tell we talked..den after awhile decided go 613 slack..when wan joined us..den somehow,we saw my PRIMARY 1 CLASSMATE!!she was going back we invited her for a stick of cig..a stick became duno how we chit-chated..until she asked me in front of the rest,ur gf chinese ah?
classmate:ur gf chinese?
me:yeah2 why?
classmate:why now alot chinese girls with malay guys?
me:duno?why u think chinese girls will like malay?
classmate:becoz malay guys are different.they are more sensitive,even too caring but still care alot.compared to chinese.
me:wow.(smiling to man and wan).true true..

later grounded at home coz relatives coming bored~ but nvm..MONEY MONEY MONEYYYYY~ hoho..think meet people in the day before afternoon ba.see how..

better take care of urself outside.dun anyhow anyhow.i trust u.please remember ur promises.DONT U DARE BREAK IT!.and im still here.see u sunday.OUTING BABE!!!~HARI RAYA!!!!~~~~EXCITED~

Thursday, September 24 @ 1:32 AM

my heart is aching so much...u know who u disappointed..u promise over and over again..but u always break it..dis time u made a last sincere promise..u cried and promised.i still believe u..

people always ask,ahturl,why so silly?why so stupid?why this why that?this is ur answer,
FUCK YOU FOR ASKING ME WAD TO DO.i know who i love,i know who not to love.ive learnt alot,many things,good and dont tell me wad to do.i don't think wad im doing is silly,coz u all duno wads going on between me and leilani.yes we are not together anymore and im still doing things for her like she is my gf..SO?anyone got problem with that?got den come.

people care for me,people worry for me,people think of me,people love me and people dote me.if u all think im disappointing u all or wadever so,den dun even contact me.unless u can really make me melt over ur sweet talkings.HARD.if not,sorry.

i dont know why im like dis all of a sudden,i think,im too stressed up.over MANY things seriously,be it love life,be it life,be it working life..ALL OF IT.

ive changed number,tag me if u wan my number.

Monday, September 21 @ 9:47 PM

ahturl is sad.
ahturl is confused.
ahturl is lost in his world.
ahturl is not pathetic.
ahturl needs a job.
ahturl needs a new life.
ahturl needs you know,i know,public dunno.
ahturl wants to do everything swee-ly.
ahturl wants that ipod so badly.
ahturl wants to drive a honda ESI.
ahturl wants his bike and car license.

ahturl has a dream.a dream to fly high and touch the sky.a dream to be a billionaire!crap~ its good to have targets.u will try ur very best to achieve them ;D

Saturday, September 12 @ 4:32 PM

im sorry i disappoint u guys...

i love u,i need u,dun keep flying coz i'll miss u..sorry for the short so sad..
update later~

Thursday, September 10 @ 11:42 AM

good morning..woke up looking at my phone hoping sayang has alre replied,but i guess she is still sleeping.replied me one den i think she went back to sleep again=( i havent seen her for a day now.i really need her help at home doing something,because i cant do it alone.sayang,please wake up and help me...

Wednesday, September 9 @ 7:59 PM

bought sayang breakfast after school.she was all ready to go out with her daddy?hmmm.she said she would meet me at evening 6 or 7..guess wad..its alre 8=( i called her 20 over times..its either she reject or she off her phone..i spammed her with sms but no replies..oh my baby wad are u doing.?

sayang,faster text me larrrr~ i can't wait to pierce my cheek and smiley!!!!

Tuesday, September 8 @ 10:40 PM

im back..

glad we're back to normal more quarrels..only some..i hope things will remain this way..i have many surprises coming for u..look forward to it kaes?anyway today pierced for sayang her tongue..two somemore..SIBEH COOL OKAY!!I JEALOUS!!!!tmr piercing smiley;DDDD confirm cool one okay!!!sayang!!i will have more piercings den u one..btw.thanks for drawing my wall abit for me :D it looks nice will upload pict soon :D lotus and geisha..nice okay!!!japanese art..tmr meeting sayang again to pierce smiley this time..looking forward to it.:D


sorry for the blur image.used webcam.

Saturday, September 5 @ 1:07 AM


went to work at 12plus.met chiko first den to sembawang.WAH FINALLY FINISH.!NICE SIOL OUR MASTERPIECE!hmmmms~was drawing when sayang called me saying she will find me at sembawang,den want go town together.BUT..........i smsed her,no replies,call no answer.nvm..went eat after that,den home.on the way home,mummy called me,asked if im with sayang i didnt know wad to i say no.and that she went town i tried calling every single soul whom i know she will be with..celestene:no answer,yvonne:answered but not with lani#$%^&*,kahpoh:not with lani(didnt even know who i am).so i had to call mummy back giving disappointing answer.hais....

sayang,im curious.why are you doing all these?please approach me if theres anything.i can try my best to provide u with everything.u need shelter?my room can sleep,u need money?i can find for u.u need transport?i also can find for u.u need me?i can be there for u provided u tell me where u very worried for u.seriously.....have u eaten?are u drunk?please get to me as soon as possible.i beg u..

Thursday, September 3 @ 1:35 AM

A song best describes me and u...

dilamun rindu
mengapa ketika bila aku sendirian
terkenang kenangan waktu kita bersama
pilu rasa hati bila engkau tiada disisi

indah waktu itu hanya engkau disampingku
seakan dunia milik kita berdua
kini kau tiada hanya aku dilamun rindu

mengapa kau menghilangkan dirimu
katakanlah salahku
sehingga... kau hancurkan hidupku...

berikanlah kesempatan
untuk aku menjelaskan
agar engkau kan pahami
apa yang telah terjadi
tak perlu kau meragui
ketulusan hati ini
kerna aku disalah mengerti

tidak pernah pun terlintas
untuk aku menduakan
kerna ku telah berjanji
cinta kita akan abadi
tak perlu kau mengkhianati
cinta yang luhur dan murni
diatas tomahan orang lain...

went to work just time,had pay and finished just liddat.friday is the day.i will still remember.04january.i will still find ways to celebrate it no matter wad.

Wednesday, September 2 @ 12:59 PM
love you

went school today,was bored..but i managed to know wad to study for my exams..COME ON!!I GOTTA PASS MY EXAMS!!!EXPECTATIONS FROM SOMEONE OH!!den met sayang awhile send her to bus stop..she say she gonna find me at sembawang later.hope she really do.i have to meet chiko at 2pm.which is like soon.HAHA!den go do work liao!!MONEY MONEY MONEYYYY~
sayang!must come find me horrrrr~ sembawang nearer den tampines ;D

update more later.......

Tuesday, September 1 @ 1:32 AM

back from meeting chiko in the afternoon.NONO!i met SAYANG first.she was with yijie they all.u all shock yeah?haha well IM BACK YAW!!!skinnier rite?;D den went to eat with them, sayang pei-ed me to bus stop coz i need to go meet she went to batok to find and chiko had many things to do.HAHAH!den suppose to meet sayang at cck.but somehow things didnt go well.but still,met sayang at her house outside.SHOCK SIAH!MUMMY OPEN DOOR!haha!she talk to me abit,den suddenly sayang pop out.scary ohhhh~ den she came out,we continued talking.den suddenly she decided me TO GO BUY FOOD AH.den she saw something.................................and i saw something weird,sayang,tmr i tell u bout it kaes?now she sleeping her night well.gosh am i happy to see her again.and to hug her..5o cents ah!hehe ;P


AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



