Monday, February 22 @ 3:26 AM


im not worried bout judgment day or more worried bout my health.
for those close to me and know bout it,you should start feeling worried.
for those who don't,just wait till 2012 den see.i'm just not ready for it.
the sins ive made,its still more den the good deeds ive made.
where do i go?hell?i want heaven=( but can i make it?
so many people cared for me,worry bout me and even loved me.
but i kept disappointing them,hurting them.ive never made them for onece not worried bout me.
is this wad im suppose to give them after so much sacrifices for me?
im worried bout ahturl,myself.will there still be ahturl in 2012?
god knows.

Thursday, February 18 @ 10:34 PM

smoking Pictures, Images and Photos
ps nothing to post xD
Mmmhm kehh bored,, the turtle played soccer just naozx so after soccer he go drink than go home .
tmrw he is going to work if tmrw he never go he kena FIRED ! wakaka ! xD
baii !

Thursday, February 4 @ 1:38 AM

sentenced 18months+(depending on conduct) RTC.

boss,im so gonna miss u.i saw ur tears..and i will remember the words u say..hope u take care of urself like u asked me to.dun worry a bit.I WILL REMEMBER U!,the 7 years u have been taking care of me.appreciate it alot.dun naughty naughty inside aite?i will and i really mean WILL be damn happy if i can get to visit u or send u letters and stuffs.i miss u ;'(

special thanks to mahn,ahkin,demi,baobei,teds and lastly lyn for being there for me.greatly appreciated.was very touched when u guys were there for me yesterday when i was real i know,who will really be there for me when i need them.just take for example,if i was in chiko's shoes.i wonder who would really be there crying to say goodbye.

here are some picts ive finally get to upload.sorry to those i nvr upload.coz i dun have a phone with camera.had to go and meet lyn for her camera.well did some heart to heart talk with her too.
peektures of my bikes~

we're just friends.thanks lyn.

AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



