Tuesday, November 2 @ 12:49 AM

ive decided to blog again coz i wan u to know,that i really mean it.
Firstly,i deleted her from my phone contacts.
but it still wasnt enough for u.i didnt delete from fb coz i duno how.now that i know how alre,i alre deleted her..i did all dis becoz i wan u to know im serious bout this relationship.
i was browsing through the letters that u sent to me from the start of our relationship.i came across something i was very happy to read over and over again.you said dis "BABY,NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS,WE MUST OVERCOME THE OBSTACLES TOGETHER" and gosh.can cry man.

can u just do simple things for me to make me happy?i keep advising u,watch ur shirt watch ur shirt.why?becoz i am worried and i love u.i dun wan people to keep look at u.my temper will just go to the top if people keep look at u coz u wear too sexy..if u with me still okay..i can look back..what if ure alone and some tiko just come to u and molest u.?please think of all dis.please..u wan wear how sexy also see the place we going.if we at my house or wad i dun care.but if we are with my friends,PLEASE..im begging u,careful with wad u wear..maybe u think im controlling u..im not,these things havent happened to u thats why u still dare to wear liddat.i know people who kena before,my own ex.thats why im so worried.

lastly,i really love u and have faith in u.i dun see anything wrong being jealous ya?its normal i guess.i do feel sad when u forget to wear our ring..its something that represents us.wonder how u forget.but nvm,thats minor things.i will buy u ur new necklace.please,i hope u understand how much i wan dis relationship.and how much i love u.if u read this alre,please gimme a text.i wan go lie down on my bed alre.i really hope to get a text from u.i will wait till u text.i swear.i dun mind not sleeping.


AHTURL'S paradise,

People call me Ahturl.
I came out of the pussy on the eightOFmarch199o.I'm a simple guy who don't tolerate lousy attitude.and please,my tagboard is for chatting,wan talk shit,i will love to know u more;D


My one and only baby girl

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

★having her trust.
★fulfilling what she requested for.
★lasting long with her.
shopping for clothes
shopping for shoes
a gold watch
★a hanky-panky life
★Sony PS3 (how much ah?)
clear ALL my fines
★kill beer belly
cut down on drinking @.@
clear ALL misunderstandings with EVERYONE unhappy with me
★turning over a new leaf.HARDEST.



